Some things simply just don’t make sense. Some people try to explain them with different, intricate explanations. You see some lights in the sky, upload it to youtube, someone is always going to say ” It’s just a plane”. But what happens when there is no explanation, and all people can say is ” It’s a Hoax”. You can believe what you chose to believe, that’s all good. But if there is proof that this event did happen like the Malaysian airline and there is still NO reasonable explanation for it, what then ? We have listed 3 of the greatest unsolved paranormal mysteries on planet earth.
The Ourang Medan Ghost Ship
The tales of ghost ships out on the sea have haunted sailors, fisherman, and merchants for hundreds of years. Passed down through generations to warn their successors of the untold dangers of the sea. The Flying Dutchman is the most famous ghost ship. But there is another more modern tale, but this one is true. The Ourang Medan ghost ship is an incredible phenomenon and it has been recorded.
In June 1947, multiple ships traveling across the trade routes of the straits of malacca, which is located between the shores of Sumatra and Malaysia, began to pick up a series of SOS signals. The mysterious ships message was grim and simple : ” All officers, including captain, are dead, lying in chartroom and bridge. Possibly whole crew dead”. This would then be followed by a burst of indecipherable Morse code, then the final message : ” I die.” Then it would end with silence.
The SS. Ourang Medan.
The two ships that received the distress signal were American as well as listening posts belonging to British and Dutch. They eventually deduced that the signal was coming from a ship called the SS Ourang Medan, which at the time, was navigating the straits of Malacca. The conscripted American merchant ship called the Silver Star was closest to the presumed location. It took only a few hours to locate the ship, the SS Ourang Medan was rising and falling in the rough waters of the Malacca Straight. When they tried to communicate with the lost ship, there was no reply. So they left the safety of the Silver Star and prepared to board, with no idea they were about to walk into a living nightmare.
As soon as the American crew boarded, they realized the distress calls were not overexaggerate. The deck was literally littered with corpses. There eyes where wild with fear, their arms were grasping at unseen assailants, their faces were twisted into horrific visages of agony and fear. Even the ship’s dog was dead, its face still curled into a defense snarl. The Captain was also exactly where the mysterious message said he would be, with his officers were scattered across the wheelhouse and chartroom. The last body they found was that of the communications officer, he was as dead as his crew, face just as twisted with fear and his finger still resting on the telegraph. All of the corpses had the same expression of fear.
The Demise of the SS Ourang Medan.
The Captain of the Silver Star ordered that his crew was to toe the ghost ship to the shore, so its crew could be buried properly. However, whatever else was onboard that ship disagreed. Almost as quickly as the crew and attached the toe rope, the SS Ourang Medan exploded…
The crew watched in amazement as the ship sunk to the depths of the ocean, with the ship went its crew… Later on, when reporting the ship’s destruction and the death of its crew, the Captain of the Silver Star was informed that the ship never existed. A true ghost ship… There are some awesome theories on what it could have been, or what the cause could have been, you can check them out at Mysterious Universe.
Dyatlov Pass Incident
The story that has baffled the world for over 50 years. The legend begins in the deep mid-winter of 1958. A Group of students decided to take a trip, all of whom were experienced hikers and skiers. They went through the Otorten Mountains in the Northen Urals. Just as the terrain became more inhospitable than ever, one of the group turned back due to illness, he was the last person to see his companions alive.
One of the last photos of the Russian hikers.
Two weeks went by and there had been no word from any of the group. So a low ranking USSR officer received a phone call and he is instructed to lead a team to find the missing hikers. He and his team took a helicopter to the exposed side of the Otorten Mountain ( Death Mountain ), and they eventually come across a tent, half buried in fallen snow. So they land and discover the tent is empty…
Nothing even looked disturbed or out of place, what struck the crew, however, was that all of the group’s outdoor gear was still inside the tent. With the nearest town being miles away and the temperatures being below -30 in the night was reason could they have !? They soon discovered footprints leading from the tent and down the mountain face, shortly followed by the first body.
Some of the corpses found.
The Footprints, first of all, told the investigating crew that the crew had fled in the night, some of them barefoot and the side of the tent had been cut open, from the inside. The majority of the bodies themselves had injuries such a fractured skulls and ribs, injuries induced by impact from a blunt object. The team later found signs of radiation and a final cryptic photo of the crew…
This event had been unanswered for decades. Easy to say it was a bunch of murders or crazy people in the mountains, but radiation ? For some possible answers check out The Dead Mountain Book.
The Green Children of Woolpit
The Children of Woolpit is an ancient account, dating right back to the 12th century. The town from which the story originates still has a sign, with the villages name with the two green children above. It tells us of two children that appeared on the edge of a small English village called Woolpit. There was a young boy and girl who both had dark green skin and wore clothes made from a strange material, and their speech was an unknown language . They were taken into the village and later into the home of a local landowner, Sir Richard de Caine Wilkes.
The children refused to eat any of the local food despite the fact they looked starving until they were brought harvested beans. They survived on just beans for 4 months until they tasted bread.
The children began to integrate with the village and villagers, but they both became sick. The boy died shortly after but the girl survived. She later learned the language and even grew old enough to marry a man at King’s Lynn, in the county of Norfolk. Legend tells us that she took the name ‘Agnes Barre’ and the man she married was an ambassador of Henry II. But most incredibly she relayed the story of her and her brother’s origins.
She reported that they both came from the ” Land of Saint Martin”, where there was no sun, but a constant twilight and all who lived there were green. She also described another land that could be seen from across from the river. The siblings were looking after their father’s flock when they found a cave. After entering they wandered, lost for a long time until they came out of the other side and were blinded by the sun. It was then they were found by the villagers.
There is a lot and i mean ALOT of speculation around this paranormal mystery and some pretty crazy explanations that make sense. For more check out Myths.e