The Borgvattnet Vicarage ; Haunted Sweden
It’s been quite some time guys! I’ve been filming and trying to gather equipment to film some real content for you guys!! After my last encounter ( link here ) I’ve been experiencing things at home, The Witch House in St Osyth was the night I will never forget, despite the fact it won’t seem to let me forget it. We captured some incredible evidence that night and I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did. But we are back now and ready to bring you some original content!! Like the legendary story of the Borgvattnet Vicarage.
Borgvattnet Vicarage (Borgvattnet spökprästgård in Swedish), is renowned for being Sweden’s most haunted house. Being a Ghost Hunting blog written entirely in English it’s rare that we find any haunted gems from other countries and the Borgvattnet Vicarage is a haunted location unlike any other…
The Story of The Borgvattnet Vicarage
The Front Entrance Image Via –Sioras
Built in 1876, this aged building was a residence for the vicars of the local church. All was peaceful and homely until 1927 when the resident vicar reported some strange activity around his home including strange voices and ‘ Unholy dreams’. Tales of paranormal events continued in the following decades. Every priest and unknowing family reported ghostly happenings. Objects would move, shadow people were seen, screams were heard and perhaps most creepily an old rocking chair would rock of its own accord.
The legends surrounded this house are horrific… Stories tell of abused maids, murdered husbands and even babies being burned in the backyard. Hauntings on this scale never originate from innocent origins. Let’s dig deeper!
The Front Room – Tekopp
Following the very first report of a supernatural occurrence in 1927, another priest in the 1930’s by the name of Rudolf Tangden was sitting in a room when he spotted an old woman in grey lurking in the nearby room. He got up to ask her what she wanted but she just vanished…
Tangden lasted 10 years and was succeeded by an Otto Lindgren in the 1940’s who lived in the Vicarage with his wife. Both had a few stories to tell after there residency… Tangden’s wife would constantly complain of hearing music coming from the hall whilst trying to sleep, she would also hear footsteps pacing up and down the hallway outside there room. Perhaps most terrifying both Mr & Mrs. Tangden had objects thrown at them constantly, plates, marbles, small rocks and even the occasional knife.
One friend of the Tangden’s came to stay in the guest-room, She would never stay round again. Inga Flodin was awakened at 3 am by the feeling of being intensely watched. So she sat up to collect herself and saw a strange shape on the sofa at the far end of the room. She focused her eyes and saw three women dressed in black sitting shoulder to shoulder, they all appeared to be crying… Needless to say, she fled the house, I know my first reaction would be to backflip out of the nearest window. Stranger still the sofa that these three weeping windows where reported to be sobbing on was there when Inga went to sleep but gone in the morning…
Image via – Rundvandring
Now it is 1945 and a new family unwittingly take up residence at the Borgvattnet Vicarage. There were a few incidents reported and of-course, some people are more private than others. One event, however, caused this new family to leave quickly.
Mr. Erik Lindgren was reading a book in an old rocking chair that came with the house when suddenly, he was thrown out by unseen hands. Lindgren boldly stated that when he sat he felt a strong force enter his body.
The Infamous Rocking Chair – tekopptillbergstopp
The Borvattnet Vicarage is one of the oldest and most haunted houses in the world and more recent visits have proven it to be just as haunted as it ever was. With a curious young investigator and his father spending a night in the room the three weeping nuns where seen.
The investigator woke up and felt like a block of concrete was on his chest and with an inexplicable feeling of terror. The father also complained of branches scratching on the window during the night despite the fact of there being no trees near the house at all.
The causes for this particular haunting are widely unknown but surrounded by rumor. Researching a little deeper we can find two solid facts;
1901, Per Hedlund, his wife, and family lived in the vicarage for 6 years. In 1907 Marta died giving birth to their eleventh child. Per took it hard and buried her in the backyard. She remained there for several days until the local villagers found out and demanded that she be buried in a cemetery. He finally agreed, the following day the Hedlund family had vanished along with the lifeless body of Marta. Digging up bodies is never a good idea…
Early 20th century, a 19-year-old unmarried girl was raped and became pregnant by a priest. Once she started showing the priest locked her in an enclosure in the backyard. When the baby was born the girl murdered it and buried it in the backyard. We see more than one case of a priest abusing his flock resulting in an inhuman haunting. For the child to then have been murdered only adds to the cause…
The Borgvattnet Vicarage is a fascinating location with a lot of history hidden for reasons unknown. The ghosts here are some of the most active in the world… We can’t wait to hear more.
If you guys have any information about this location or simply want to ask us a question please ask!! Hit us up any time of the contact page. Thanks for reading!
Peace out,
Brad Mac